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Legal Considerations When Buying Property in Gujarat: What You Need to Know

What are the legal formalities that you take care of while buying properties? Is it the agreement, owner’s verification, NOCs, or Possession certificate? Well, all these things differ from one state to the other. 

Yes, it is also true that the Indian government has the same rules for buying property but some states have their additional rules and some formalities follow. Don’t worry, this is for your good. Moreover, completing this legal consideration is not at all a tough task. 

With the right guidance, you can complete everything in a few days and step into your new home. 

Now, let’s talk about property in Gujarat and what are the legal formalities that you should take care of. Gujarat is one of those Indian states known for its lavishing lifestyle and elegant-looking residential properties

Be it 2 BHK or 4 BHK, you can get properties at your convenience in terms of space, location, and many more things.  Moving forward, once you shortlist residential properties for sale in Gujarat, you don’t just go through the images but go and see the apartments in person. Do not finalize anything before that. 

Once you are done with that, you can move on to the next step and that is legal formalities. Here are the 5 most important considerations while buying property in Gujarat. 

Title Verification

Title Verification is the first step that you need to take while finalizing real estate properties in Gujarat. Title verification means that you will acquire information about the owner of the property. Things like, whether the seller legally owns the property or not, whether there have been any changes in the ownership, if yes how many times, etc. 

You can collect all these details from the sub-registrar’s office. But what if you do not do that? Then, if any mishappening takes place like the property being illegal, or disputed, you will have to suffer and we don’t want that right?

Approved Building Plan

An approved building is one of the most integral parts of finding residential properties for sale in Gujarat. As we have stated earlier, the building that you are planning to move into must be legally constructed and free from any legal cases or court notices. If the building is illegally built then you might face serious allegations from the court and suffer for a long time. 

Tax Clearance Certificate

Though it might look a bit boring or something that should not be taken into serious consideration, it is the most integral part of buying property in Gujarat. It does not matter how lavish your apartment is or what kind of reputed society your apartment is a part of, you have to ask for the tax clearance certificate

This certificate verifies that the property owner has cleared all the taxes. If the owner doesn’t give you that certificate, please don’t move forward with the purchase. Moreover, you can go to the sub-registrar's office to enquire about the same. 

Stamp-Duty and Registration

How many of you make a payment without checking whether it has been legally recorded or not? Most of you, right? Well, it might not harm you in other cases. But when it comes to residential properties for sale in Gujarat, it might be a problem.

Never pay the amount without stamp duty and registration of the property in the registrar’s office. By paying the stamp duty, you are making your purchase legally recorded which will save you from any kind of dispute that might take place in the future. You can take the help of a professional as well. 

Home Loan Verification

If you are buying a property in Gujarat through a home loan, you need to keep all the necessary documents ready for verification. The home loan company will verify your financial ability and the property’s legal status.

Yes, it is true that if a reliable home loan company is with you, they will take care of everything but with your proper co-operation. They are not going to prepare the documents for the property, you need to provide them with those things so that they can verify your purchase.  Therefore, it becomes double-secured.

Final Words

Be it home loans, legal verification, certifications, or anything, managing all these with a lawyer who has a specialty in real estate, will make your work a lot easier. Just make sure that you shortlist properties that are verified. TLJ Property will help you in this process.

See, we understand that buying a property is a hectic process but rushing into things will create more problems. Therefore it is better to take it slow and easy. Just visit our website, put the location and the list of properties will appear. You don’t list suspicious properties on our site, so when you move ahead with us, be assured that it’s legal and verified.


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